On Oct 4, 2007, at 12:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But you'll have a very hard time getting ANY published material copied at Kinko's. Ten years or so ago they were the subject of a big copyright-violation suit because they were helping/encouraging faculty to "make their own textbooks" with photocopied materials, and neither the faculty nor Kinko's pursued the necessary permissions. Since then, Kinko's has been DEFINITELY "once burned, twice shy" with copying. Some years ago I wanted to make little thank-you cards for my TWELFTH NIGHT cast, and since we had danced a lavolta as our curtain call I wanted to put "Queen Elizabeth I Dancing with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester" on the front of the card. For that I needed (lacking a color scanner and a color printer at home) a color photocopy of the painting....and the counterperson at Kinko's WOULD NOT PERMIT me to make a tiny copy for this innocuous purpose. Even UNpublished material: My truelove had to photocopy the rough draft of a repair manual he was writing, to ship it to the company he was writing it for--and that Kinko's counterperson, seeing technical drawings bearing the company's name, refused to copy it for him without a written release from the company.

The conscientious counter person at Kinko's once tried to refuse me permission to make multiple copies of MY OWN WORK because it had a copyright notice on it.

I eventually convinced the manager that it was okay, but I was quite amused. :)


O    Chris Laning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Davis, California
+     http://paternoster-row.org - http://paternosters.blogspot.com

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