A late Elizabethan wheel farthingale gown which, I begin to hope, may actually 
be done for the Jamestown Ball in a couple of weeks.  Based loosely on the 
Ditchley portrait, the underdress is done, and an overbodice is coming along, 
to be attached to an overskirt.  Still to do is the neck ruff and, of course, 
as much trimming as I can get done in whatever amount of time is left.  
Fortunately the stomacher and sleeves were trimmed prior to assembly.  

The Jamestown Ball is an 18th century ball to celebrate the 400th anniversary 
of the Jamestown colony in Virginia, and the invite says to come in any style 
of the last 400 years, and the earlier the better. The high-gussy Elizabethan 
style is too early to meet the qualifications, I know, but it is a ball, after 
all, and authenticity is not the main concern.  At the moment, my main concern 
is how to dance while taking up all that real estate.

Jane in Northern Virginia
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