I thoaght, as there are manny here who loves regency to send this link.
It has hundreds of fashion prints starting end of 18th century and onwards, 
year by year.
Go to this page:
click on recherche simple.
Type in mode in the place at the left, and put a mark under collection macinet, 
then click recherche.
Now comes a full list of books to the left, mark one of them and click under 
where it says voir les notices
Then the title of the book appears to the right, click the link in the bottom.
Then small images appear to the right, these are clickable to huge resolution 
images wich pops up in new windows.
They are all downloadable, and gues who is a very happy man?
I know its a little difficult to find them, but if you do what i said here, it 
should work for you!
There is enough for days i tell you........................

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