On Feb 12, 2008, at 12:06 PM, Beth and Bob Matney wrote:

There has been a bit of discussion about this on the Norsefolk_2 list. Here is an image of her reconstruction:

see bottom of http://www.uu.se/press/pm.php?id=48

I won't exactly say that Norse costume experts on other mailing lists seem to be laughing themselves into stitches over this..... but.......

There are certainly some aspects of it that don't look very practical, such as the train. Also, as someone on another list pointed out, generally costume found in one place and time will show some sort of evolutionary relationships to the costume of other, similar places at the same time, before and afterward. But I'm not aware of anything remotely like this anywhere in northern Europe (disclaimer: but then, I'm hardly an expert....) To me, it would seem much more plausible that the placement of garment parts reconstructed here is the result of subsidence in the graves from which the originals came, rather than that they were actually worn that way.

There is certainly merit in challenging the established "applecart" of wisdom about how things were done, just to be sure no one is getting too complacent or thinks that we know everything. But some challenges have a lot of plausible reasoning and evidence behind them, and others, well, don't.

(I recently ran across someone who claims that French, Italian and Spanish all descended from Modern English, and that Latin never existed as a living language, it was merely scribal shorthand. Definitely one of the more far-out attempts to re-think established wisdom, and apparently without much in the way of evidence either...... http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/ 005394.html#more)

O    Chris Laning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Davis, California
+     http://paternoster-row.org - http://paternosters.blogspot.com

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