On Apr 14, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Paula Praxis wrote:

> This a discussion that benefits all era of costume.  Agreed that  
> not all on this list work in theater but many of us do and to hear  
> from others about your experiences is great. I agree the modern  
> period is the most difficult to design for. I much  prefer period  
> plays.  however there are some times that are more difficult than  
> others.  I designed a play set in ancient Egypt.  I love archeology  
> and am aware that slaves in the "real' ancient Egypt worked naked -  
> this didn't go over too well with my director - so I let her have  
> her way and designed slave costumes for the ensemble.

I'm helping with costumes for my 6th grader's class play,  which is  
set in Minoan era Crete.  Not surprisingly,  the teacher doesn't want  
historically accurate costumes.  We're putting them in chitons. :)

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