Hi Zuzana,
Thankyou for the big favour, but i think it would be two much to ask.
I only need one skirt height as i want to fake the underskirt and only have 
the front part in the real brokade. Rest of the dress is black. So it would 
be two much to ask you for such a little quantity.
Also the underskirt is decorated with gold braid in the front, wich i think 
is a shame, but it was the fashion i guess. Therefore the pattern of the 
fabric dont has to be so authentic as possible.
The whole buisiness in trying to recreate such a dress, has almost made me 
give up the whole buisiness.
The lace i baught from England wich is a reproduktion of a reticella lace is 
ideal, but it is two big and clumsy, not at all as fine as the portrait. And 
besides this the research and looking for the right materials, is really 
time consuming, the museum cant pay me for all the research, i think i might 
give it up after all.

---- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zuzana Kraemerova" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] silk brokade

> We've just begun to sell Chinese silk fabrics, also brocades, my sister 
> buys them in China and I sell them in Europe. We currently don't have any 
> red-black brocade, but we could possibly have a look next time we go 
> shopping, it depends on how quickly you need the fabric.
> Not very easy to get it this way, I know, but if you didn't find 
> anything...
> Zuzana
> www.sartor.cz
> Note: this shop is quite new, so there's almost nothing in it and almost 
> no proper historical dresses - I'm working on it and hope to add some more 
> interesting items during the summer.
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