What about eucalyptus oil ? It removes tape adhesive off most surfaces with
no residue left.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Sharon Collier <sha...@collierfam.com>wrote:

> Try freezing the sticky stuff with ice cubes. Or take off with something
> oily--like salad oil, hit the oil stain with Simple Green and wash. If it's
> ultra suede, it should be polyester, right?, and therefore washable, I
> think.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: h-costume-boun...@indra.com [mailto:h-costume-boun...@indra.com] On
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 9:26 PM
> To: h-costume@mail.indra.com
> Subject: [h-cost] tape stickem problem
> Anybody have any ideas how to remove duct tape stickum from ultra suede? I
> have a beautiful throw, dark blue ultra suede on one side, long pile on the
> other. Eldest son used it to cover a Nagahide chair with duct tape repairs.
> End result is that body heat melted the tape stickum which is now in spots
> on the suede side (thank goodness - imagine if it was stuck to the pile!!!)
> I have tried pulling the residue off with new pieces of tape with no
> success. I am hesitant to try Goo Gone or other solvents due to the 100%
> poly fiber content. I want to clean it, not melt it. It is too large to put
> in the freezer, although now I think about it I could just put it out on
> the
> front porch - it was minus 10 yesterday AM.
> Any suggestions gratefully accepted.
> Rebecca Burch
> Center Valley Farm
> Duncan Falls, Ohio, USA
> The only twelve steps I'm interested in are the ones between the flat folds
> and the brocades.  --Anonymous Costumer--

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