On Thursday 07 May 2009 10:29:45 pm Elizabeth Walpole wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've just got some bonus money and I'm planning on spending some of it on
> books. I'm looking for a book that will show me internal construction
> details of Victorian era clothing preferably using detailed photos. Looking
> on Amazon I found Nineteenth Century Fashion in Detail by Lucy Johnston, so
> for those who have a copy does it include these sort of details (or it is
> external decorative details like embroidery or ruching). 

All of the photos are of external details, such as ruching.  However, there 
are no photos of the entire garment (though there are line sketches) and no 
photos showing construction.

Cathy Raymond <ca...@thyrsus.com>

"All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed." --Sean 

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