> My son and I are making an anime costume
> http://www.geocities.com/eyesofaclown/images/Perriot.JPG .  Does anyone
> have advice on how to attach the ruffles to the band.

The one in your image looks similar to cartridge pleating.  To stiffen it,
start with something already a little stiff and double it over.  Two layers
are stiffer than one is, and the folded outer edge takes care of any hem
issues.  For a costume ruff you might even use one thickness of stiff
non-woven interfacing.  I like to use several yards of the selvedge of
something for my ruffs - not exactly correct, but neater at the outside edge
than any hem I can do.

Carolyn Kayta Barrows
“The future is already here, it is just unevenly distributed.”   -William
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