Grid square or image blow up only gets you so far. The big catch is your body is not not like the body in the pattern... and it's not just a matter of "grading" to size up.

If you're working off a grid pattern made for modern bodies.. grids will work... if you know the original measurements that the pattern was made for before it was reduced... say the quarter inch become 1". You divide your measurements into theirs. ie if you waist is 1.5 times bigger than the pattern, but you're .75 of their length, and your bust is the same... You have to shorten the pattern by a quarter while expanding the waist 50%. (This worked well for me blowing up Hunnisseete patterns.) The bust will be closer... but you are still going to need to mock it up and adjust the curves a bit.

The problem you get into when doing this from a period pattern, the body shape is a LOT different due to corset, standard posture, etc. You are going to have to do a LOT more adjusting. The skirts will be easier than a bodice... since the skirts are mostly just long lines that can be adjusted by just pivoting. Your bodice pieces aren't nearly as forgiving. You can enlarge the square grid by math and then you can do standard pattern adjustment of clip and pivot, BUT... unless you know the measurements the pattern was made for... you're kinda stuck there...

Oh, and don't forget on measurements... you're talking about over the underpinings to get your corseted waist and bust....

Personally... for the bodice area... I think a better bet is to drape the bodice over the underpinnings on the person who the dress is for. Look at the book for the shape of the draped pieces... ie where to put the seams, side, bust aligned, collar, etc.

Another advantage of this, in the sleeve area, you make the decision if you want to really make the sleeves as restrictive as they were for that period, or add more modern movement. (You're not as accurate, but if you're not into wearing historical garments as much, you may choose movement over accuracy.)

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