AH, HA! I wondered how he could get it so wrong. So they had a
wringer-mangle and an ironing-mangle. Interesting. 

-----Original Message-----
From: h-costume-boun...@indra.com [mailto:h-costume-boun...@indra.com] On
Behalf Of R Lloyd Mitchell
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:40 AM
To: Historical Costume
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Washing, irioning,and running repairs - was "an
amusing error"

Mangle is a rotary iron usually used for table linens and other 'flat'
items.? A Wringer -----Original Message-----
From: "julian wilson" <smnc...@yahoo.co.uk> Sent 1/17/2010 6:26:32 AM
To: "Historical Costume" <h-cost...@indra.com>
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Washing, irioning, and running repairs - was "an
amusing error"On Sun, 17/1/10, Charlene Charette <charlene...@gmail.com>
"Mangle" is the British term for what Americans call a "wringer".
On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 3:03 AM, Sharon Collier <sha...@collierfam.com> wro
> I am reading a book, "What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew" 
PED FOR BREVITY rolled the clothing until it was pressed."
> I would hate to have him doing my laundry!
Members of the List
Several English, Victorian/Edwardian-era "preserved Great Houses" from the
19th and early 20th Centuries cared for by the National Trust in the S of E
ngland have an entire sdection of the "below-stairs" rooms dedicated to the
care and cleaning of clothes, and soft furnishings..
?I've visited one where a whole stable-like building -? only a few step s
across a cobbled yard from the Servants' Entrance - has the ground floor
dedicated to the entire operation, in appropriate sections. Boiler room, wa
shing room with lots of tubs and early agitation devices, mangling room com
plete with several mangles, drying room with indoor lines, ironing room, -
and sewing room with treadle-operated sewing machines. The Upper floor of t
he same building was servant's bedrooms.
Castle Drogo, built after 1900 as "the last Castle-build" in England - also
has a similar section of the "support facilities" .
Julian Wilson,
?in "old" Jersey,
?National Trust Member
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