It looks like the jerkin and possibly his breeches are in leather. But his
>  sleeves have a fabric look to them, and may be attached to a doublet of
>  the same fabric. The sleeves look to be extra long and pushed into doing
>  those gathers - I can't tell with an image this size. The sleeves also
>  look to be in 2 pieces. And just because you don't see an opening doesn't
>  mean there isn't some sort of opening that is unseen in the image to get
>  the hands through. I'm not sure what more help I can be, as sleeves are
>  not a strong point for me. Kimiko Small


Yes the sleeves are extra long and the tight wrist keep them from falling over 
the hand. I'll bet they are 2 pieces with a closure on the outseam that closes 
with something like hooks and eyes. The upper parts are indeed falling 
concentrating the ruching at the narrow bottom. If the two piece sleeve is also 
curved like a narrow sleeve would be cut, the bottom of the sleeve will be 
slightly on the bias. This will help with the rushing as well as the tightness. 
(also, it's not a very good painting, His right hand with the pistol is smaller 
than the left and I think the foreshortening of that right arm is not quite 
right and looks too narrow. Not so his left.)
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