thank you Anne.In conversation with a Museum Grad student this afternoon, she 
agreed that the 'Use" factor would be factored into the license contract and 
other modifications would also have to be delt with as the occasion occurred.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent 5/13/2010 11:32:28 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Brocade and Fair Usegalities
I have found myself wondering about how
ommercial companies (say Waverly) go about reproducing fabrics from the
istorical perspective (say Winterthur or Williamsburg). Permission to copy??
ermission to sell
As I mentioned in one of my posts--that is licensing.  Winterthur and 
Williamsbug both, I am sure, have agreed to license textiles for reproduction 
to, say, Waverly.  (Don't those fabrics even say so on the selvege, usually?  I 
know the linens that J.P. Stevens licensed said so--they did both Williamsburg 
and Mount Vernon, and, I think, Historic Charleston lines, as well.)  They may 
be exact copies, or modifications, and are often produced in several colorways. 
 This is probably all spelled out in said licensing agreement.
Ann Wass
-----Original Message-----
From: R Lloyd Mitchell <>
To: Historical Costume <>
Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 11:08 am
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Brocade and Fair Usegalities
Coming late into this discussion, I have found myself wondering about how
ommercial companies (say Waverly) go about reproducing fabrics from the
istorical perspective (say Winterthur or Williamsburg). Permission to copy??
ermission to sell? Historical houses seem to go the reproduction method...when
hey can afford it...all the time.? What makes the diff when the reproduced
abric is used for costume purposes?
lso took time to check again the copywright statements on some of my patterns
hat include the Major 3, Fire and Smoke, Five Rivers, and a host of other
esigners who are working all the time to give us good renderings of patterns to
nspire Historical clothing.? All are agreed in opening statements that the
attern is for personal/individual sewing and not to be used for commercial
ow do these two issues get reconciled when the demand for the product exceeds
he implied legal issues?
----Original Message-----
rom: "Beteena Paradise" <>
ent 5/13/2010 8:42:14 AM
o: "Historical Costume" <>
ubject: Re: [h-cost] Brocade and Fair UseI think in order to make your question
ore closely resemble the current is
ue, you need to add the words "700 years after your death."
o the list in general and not specifically Ann (too lazy to do a seperate
left this list for?a few?years and have just recently returned. I wit
essed these conversations way too many times. I see little has changed. Ca
't we just all admit that there are certain issues which are triggers for
ome of us and just leave it at that without having to rehash them ad nause
m? There really is no need to jump into the list with swords swinging just
ecause someone mentioned something that happens to be close to your own p
rsonal soapbox.?
rom: "" <>
ent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:31:07 PM
ubject: [h-cost] Brocade and Fair Use
kay, let's try this one more time.? Suppose someone bought a yard of?
ustom-produced brocade, and using technology (that admittedly probably?
oesn't exist yet) scanned it and starting producing their own brocade, in
xactly the same pattern, and selling it.? Would you regard that as? "f
nn Wass
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