Spritzing it with water and ironing fairly hot will bring back a lot of the shine and a little of the crispness, but I think the residual sericin in the fiber contributes to the stiffness and when you wash or dye more of it gets removed.


I have some lovely embroidered silk that was crisp and shiny, and
nearly white that I purchased some time ago.  After much
consideration, I dyed it another cloth because the color was not
suitable to me. Of course, now I have a not so shiny, and soft, almost
a crepe texture to the silk.  I haven't tried to do anything with it
yet, but are there any suggestions of getting at least the crispness
back?  My first thought is to gently press and starch, but I don't
know how silk and starch deal with each other over time...

Any help greatly appreciated

So much to do and so little attention span to get it done with…

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