You don't have to turn the lucet, though that is the instruction I
found when first learning.  My process is to wrap a figure eight
around the horns, then pull the loops over those.  There are two
advantages to working a lucet this way.  The first is less stress on
the wrist that has to do all the twisting.  The second is that you can
work two or more colors to produce stripes, if you want wide stripes,
just carry the secondary color in the center of the braid as you do
the first color, switching colors as desired length of stripe is
achieved.  I am aware that there are a number of variations of lucet
cords that can be done, but since this basic fulfilled my needs I
really haven't gone further with it.


So much to do and so little attention span to get it done with…

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Ginni Morgan <> wrote:
> Lucet cords are produced on a lucet (2 pronged tool for making loops).  Most 
> lucet work uses one (1) string to create its cord in a manner somewhat 
> reminiscent of crotchet (pull a loop through a previous loop - turn tool - 
> repeat).  This creates a series of connected loops.  There are double lucets 
> (4 points) on which you can use two (2) different strings to create 
> bi-colored cords.  However, you are limited to either one or two strings as 
> your working threads and only one person does the working.  Lucet work can be 
> carried in your basket or pouch anywhere you want to go, and can even be done 
> while you are walking there.  You can add in string at the end of your cord 
> and keep working for longer pieces.  However, you are limited to one type of 
> cord with an alternate possibility of bicolored cords if you want to use a 
> double lucet.  BTW, you can use your thumb and forefinger instead of a lucet 
> tool.  All you really need is string.
>> Please pardon the lecture.  I'm preparing to teach a class on fingerloop 
>> braiding and many of my friends do lucet work.  If anyone finds errors in 
>> the above, please let me know.  This was written entirely off the top of my 
>> head as I am at work without my reference materials.
> Ginni Morgan
> (Gwenhwyfaer ferch Gwilym)

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