That URL was too long, I guess. I got page not found error.  I know a
little about cameras, but I cannot tell what Olympus camera you're
looking at.  My previous digital SLR camera was Olympus, so I do have
a soft spot for the camera line. I'm going to assume you're talking
about SLRs not "point & shoot" cameras for casual users.

"Poor light" means something very different to cameras & to people.
Typical indoor office lighting is poor because the color is
disturbingly green or blue.  Romantic restaurant lighting is generally
too dim unless you're willing to be close, use a tripod, and have your
subjects be very still.  Doesnt make for charming candid shots.

Other solutions to dealing w/ poor lighting require tossing piles of
money at technical solutions such as fast prime lenses that can shoot
at f2.8 or even f1.4. Another is to use image stabilized bodies &
lenses to get an effective 2 f-stops. I use both. Pro lines of lenses
& multipliers will get you clearer shots for a price, sometimes a
shockingly high price.

If your true objection to flash photography is that it looks harsh or
creates ugly "Hiroshima shadows" around the subject, then consider
improving your flash setup.  The technique of bounce flash is one
solution (and it's free). Another is adding a diffuser onto your
existing flash (US$25 or less). Both soften the flash lighting.

I'm shooting a Canon EOS Rebel.  I cannot help w/ current Olympus
gear.  I have borrowed a friend's 100mm Pro, image stabilized, AF lens
for the weekend for an indoor, commercially lit costume event.  Will
let you know how it comes out.

Arent you going to Boston &/or NYC this trip?  If you're heading into
Manhattan, try B&H Camera.  It's an institution.
Cynthia Barnes

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Aylwen Gardiner-Garden
<aylwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm hoping to get an Olympus camera - the range I'm looking at is at
> http://dicksmith.com.au/dsau/navigation/navigation_r
> esults.jsp?params=omitxmldecl%3Dyes%26fh_maxdisplayn
> rvalues_brand%3D-1%26fh_refview%3Dlister%26fh_reffacet%3Dbrand%26fh
> _refpath%3Dfacet_9%26fh_location%3D%252f%252fcatalog
> 01%252fen_AU%252fcategories%253c%257bcatalog01_25343
> 74302025483%257d%252fbrand%253dolympus%26fh_eds%3D%25c3%259f&reset=false and
> I'm looking for one that will take really good photos of costumes in poor
> light without a flash. Do you think any of these will work?
> Or is there a different camera that would be better that I can buy from this
> store? This is the closest one I can get to at this stage.
> Cheers,
> Aylwen
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