What is your specific quiry? Like uniforms, the various robes and garments are 
particular to the various institutions that were required for students to 
wear.? When it comes to modern day garb, these garments may be eclectic 
according to the institutions requiring them for ceremonies. The stoles and 
hoods are now regulated somewhat to be reprsentative of specific 
universities/colleges re school colors and disciplines.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Susan B. Farmer" <sfar...@goldsword.com>
Sent 7/23/2011 12:08:25 PM
To: "Historical Costume" <h-cost...@indra.com>
Subject: [h-cost] Academic DressI'm looking for information on Academic Dress 
-- and I turned to
Davenport -- they have the nice section on Clerical Dress.
The appendix lists several figures: 323, 594-596, 1560-1578, and 1759.
1561-1578 are Academic Gowns as is 1759. 323 and 594-596, however, are
clearly *NOT* academic regalia (nor are they identified as such in the
captions or text).
Was there ever a set of corrections for the figures in Davenport? Does
anybody know what those correct figures might be?
Susan/ Jerusha
Susan Farmer
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Division of Science and Math
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