
>II find email groups are taking up too much of my time and its easier to keep tabs on blogs and facebook for now.


That's one thing I was wondering about. Is the enthusiasm for lots of back-and-forth discussion waning because of the time it takes? Blogs are very time consuming too, but mostly for the blog owner. No one else has to respond to keep the blog going. And the formats of Facebook and Twitter basically encourage announcements rather than discussions.

The other thing I was wondering about is, I saw a decline in egroup posts starting soon after the 2008 stock market/housing crash. Traffic has not really bounced back, but then, neither has the economy. In late 2008 I was wondering whether people would costume more (more involuntary free time, because they'd been laid off) or less (because travel to events is expensive and I notice many people saying they are now skipping events they used to travel to). My guess is they are costuming less than before the crash. I am not sure that purchase of supplies is as large an expense factor as event travel. I'm seeing people on both costuming and mainstream sewing groups saying how glad they are for their fabric stashes to draw on.

Anyway, I really like h-costume because it is multi-era, and one of the more substantive groups. I'm interested in many periods.

Lavolta Press

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