What gets me every time is the sleeve.  Modern 
leeves are cut rather straight and converting them to a banana shape for the 
ictorian sleeve is not possible without piecing. I have yet to take the plunge 
ut would like to try sometime just to see if it is doable.

If the poster is just going after a frock "look," and not 100% authenticity, 
the cut of the sleeve might not be so critical.

But as others have said, you have to be sure you have enough length and would 
pretty much have to pick the whole thing apart and steam the pieces. You might 
be able to use the lapels intact, but, if the coat is large enough to have 
sufficient length, the lapel area might not fit, either.

Many years ago, my grandmother made me a winter coat out of a man's Harris 
tweek jacket or coat, but I was only 4 or 5 years old!

These days, I find my time often worth more than money, so I would probably buy 
fabric, just like I wouldn't want to start from scratch to make a cover for a 
dress form.  But we all decide differently where to put our scarce 
resources--be they time or money.

And of course one has to figure in the time to visit thrift stores and maybe or 
maybe not finding something suitable.

Ann Wass

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul and Charlene <asti...@golden.net>
To: Historical Costume <h-cost...@indra.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:14 am
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Converting a Sack Style Men's Dress Coat to a Frock Style 
Men's Dress Coat

Angelique wrote:
>Wool coating is fairly expensive, and I am hoping that it would be possible to 
lter a sack style coat from a nearby thrift store. Do you think it's possible?

 From time to time I check out men's(or even women's) outer wear coats(it needs 
o be the long coat style) at my local thrift stores to see if I think they 
ould be converted to a Victorian frock coat or a Regency tail coat. I look for 
 plain cut with little seaming.  Also the wool needs to be farily thin and 
tiff(as in melton)--not soft as most of our modern winter coats tend to be.  I 
isualize what marks might not be avoidable in the "new" jacket such as where a 
revious button might have been.  What gets me every time is the sleeve.  Modern 
leeves are cut rather straight and converting them to a banana shape for the 
ictorian sleeve is not possible without piecing. I have yet to take the plunge 
ut would like to try sometime just to see if it is doable.
  Charlene Roberts
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