For corsets, I use round toothpics. Collars and such, I find plastic casings 
for most store wrapped 
items? (from needles to hairbrushes). great.. My dolls?for historical ?costumes 
ate 14/16".? The toothpics work out just right for scale. Popscile sticks ar
e just right for busks.? They are easily cut and can be 'carved' for detail.
Working with this size doll, Hunniset patterns as drawn, and also Fran 
Grimble's patterns are mostly the same scale...for 19th and 20th C clothing.
?I jigger Waugh, Hunniset and Grimble for the right shape of the period you are 
working on
? -----Original Message-----
From: "Sharon Collier" <>
Sent 11/30/2011 5:30:48 PM
To: "'Historical Costume'" <>
Subject: [h-cost] Plast.
ic stays for Doll CostumeI've forgotten who the original poster of this thread 
was, so I'm just
making a new post.
As I was reading the latest, I had a brain wave. What about using hot melt
glue strips? If you make strips on glass, it comes off easily (under water,
if I remember correctly). The strips will be flat on one side. Hot melt is
malleable, so I'm not sure if these would be too soft, but it's easy and
worth a try.
Sharon C.
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