At 06:42 AM 2/14/2012, you wrote:
Thanks!  Looks like the stuff.

But I'd still like to know if anyone on the list simply uses
cormstarch, it works nicely but I am wondering on what concentration
is good, so if anyone has a favorite "recipe" for diffeeent levels of
stiffness I'd love to hear it.


I just use potato starch. It's been a while since I've starched anything (I really should be starching my tuckers and cuffs), but I think the "recipe" I used was about 1/4 cup of potato starch, mixed with about a cup of cold water, then I heated enough water in a large pot to immerse what I was starching, mixed in the starch/water mix (dribbling it in while stirring) and let it come to a boil. Then I let the heated starch cool enough that I don't burn myself, immerse the items and squeeze out the excess starch and let the item dry to damp and then iron it dry. I do not bother to save the mixed starch, I just make a new batch when I need it.

Joan Jurancich

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