I knew answers on thread preference would be all over the map--some like "fancy 
pants European threads," some don't.Also interesting to note that some want to 
match thread to fabric exactly, others don't care. As to color, I veer towards 
the match exactly, but if I have a spool that is close, I will sometimes use 
it. And, as I've said, sometimes I can't find a good match with the European 
threads and had to fall back on Coats and Clark, but only for hand sewing, 
since my Bernina can't handle it. Guess I'll try the "new formula," and see if 
I still have trouble. 

Ann Wass

-----Original Message-----
From: Ann Catelli <elvestoor...@yahoo.com>
To: Historical Costume <h-cost...@indra.com>
Sent: Thu, May 17, 2012 8:34 pm
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Thread- reluctant switcher needs suggestions

The fancy-pants polyester European threads always shredded in my machine, fwiw.
My workhorse cast-iron Singer worked just Fine with cotton-covered polyester.
Ann in CT

From: Cin <cinbar...@gmail.com>

n cottons & cotton poly, I like Meineke (whatever the spelling) and
uterman best.  I, too, sneer at the shreddy C&C thread.
n silks, I prefer Earth Bell, tho I've never seen it in the US.
ynthia Barnes
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