This is very OT for 12thC, but I've always wondered how it was done... Navajo 
women's traditional "double-bun" hair-dress.  I think I'm going to ponder for a 
while if a similar technique might be of assistance in achieving the Viking 
women's ritual knot hair-dress, which, admittedly, is also OP for this list !?  
In any case, it is a marvelous demonstration of how to create and hold a fairly 
complex hair construction using non-modern tools.

anyway, a Native lady on another of my lists just posted about a zillion photos 
from a recent large family reunion, among them a very step-by-step 

Now, there are several clusters of hairdress photos scattered among pics of 
other activities, starting about halfway down this page, look for the little 
girl in the pink and yellow top, with white yarn holding her hair


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