Does anyone have an actual documented example?

No picture of a real example, but Rosalie Stier Calvert of Maryland did write 
to her sister in Antwerp that she was sending her "a pair of lace sleeves" in 
1807. And there is a French fashion plate from about the same time that shows 
separate sleeves. However, those sleeves are white with a white dress.

Do you have enough of the fabric left to eke out a self separate undersleeve 
that can be pinned or basted in? It doesn't take much, and they can be pieced.

Ann Wass

-----Original Message-----
From: Hope Greenberg <>
To: h-costume <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 23, 2013 10:27 pm
Subject: [h-cost] Stumped

Here's a request:

The dilemma: I making a garden variety early 19th century bib/apron 
dress of a cotton print. Of course, I have too little fabric so instead 
of a long sleeve I decided to do a short sleeve with a detachable 
undersleeve in white cotton voile. I went flipping through my collection 
of hundreds of images looking for an example. (Note, this is an 1812 or 
thereabouts gown, not the turn of the century type where a colored 
bodice and white sleeve is common, nor the Princess Charlotte "russian" 
dress that looks like our American jumper.) Lo and behold I cannot find 
an image of this combination. This, the staple of all JA films! Lots of 
short sleeves with long gloves, lots of short sleeves over undersleeves 
of the same fabric. Does anyone have an actual documented example?


- Hope
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