That's Shadrach, Meeshack, and Abednego. Contemporaries to Daniel (of the 
lion's den) in the bible. Jewishness and keeping to it until death are the 
themes. It must be some version of Jewish costume of the day. The hair 
certainly fits. 


> On Apr 30, 2014, at 10:20 PM, Elena House <> wrote:
> Recently, I was puttering around on the internet, following increasingly
> unrelated links.  You know, as one does.  Anyway, I ran into several images
> from the Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome.  The catacombs date from the 2nd
> to the 5th centuries, but what caught my attention were a couple of
> frescoes dated to around the middle of the 3rd century.
> This is the first one that caught my attention:
> which lead me to quickly find this:
> detail:
> the sleeves/sleeveheads that are getting me here.)
> Now, 3rd century Italian is definitely not my era/area, but... am I the
> only one whose reaction is HUH?!  Early 17th century ain't my period
> either, but I'd have a lot easier time believing that was what I was
> looking at than -=3rd=- century.
> Is anyone particularly familiar with this era/area?  I'd love to know more
> about these garments, or anything even vaguely resembling them during this
> time period.  Yes, these are religious frescoes, making them automatically
> questionable as costume reference pics.  But where would they even come up
> with the ideas?  I haven't managed to see images of every other fresco
> dating to around the same period in the catacombs, but I've seen many of
> them; the clothing in them is much more what my not-my-period eyes would
> have expected.  You know, like this:
> Anyway.  Someone please either tell me I'm imagining it.  I mean, I don't
> really think I'm looking at the 3 musketeers caught in the act of time
> travel; I expect it's probably even possible to kirtle up a tunic into this
> silhouette.  But I'd really like to know more about the clothing of this
> era/area, and exactly how much they knew about fitting sleeves in Italy in
> the 3rd century.
> -E House
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