I have this table with a varchar of size 10K

create table doc(
    id BIGINT,
    name VARCHAR(50),    
    body VARCHAR(10000)

More often than not, the table will only store small values (less than 200 
characters) in the "body" column.  However, I want it to be big just in 

My Question: when creating table with the "possibility" of a large varchar, 
does that negatively impact the performance (speed or memory) of the 
database?  Does H2 do anything special to "antiicpte" large varchar 
entries, or is it exactly the smae as if I made the body column a smaller 

I know that *if* I put a large value in the varchar, that will take memory, 
but I am speaking about the table structure and assuming that most values 
will be small?


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