Just an FYI;

For anyone who's noticed that americansfordean.com is down, this is a problem with our shared hosting provider. All of their sites (including their own home page) are offline. So there's presumably nothing much to worry about, other than the fact that we have some downtime.

However, this does underscore the need for us to secure a far more robust hosting solution in the near term.

This leads us back into the morass of PAC money or Official Campaign money, because none of us can spend more than $250 without potentially running afoul of FEC regulations. I need to follow up with Franz from MusicForAmerica; last time I spoke to him he'd expressed a willingness to help us become our own PAC. However, this might bugger our relationship with campaign HQ.

In any event, this is only going to become more of a liability in the future. Better we resolve it sooner than later.


Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Participate!
Elect Howard Dean President in 2004!

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