Geek-Hosting (, which I use to host MacMegasite, allows unlimited MySQL databases even for their lowest cost package ($5.95/month paid annually), which is the package I use.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 01:13 PM, Joshua Koenig wrote:

Ruling out SQL Server for the time being, we do have the problem of only
having access to one database from an ISP. I don't know how likely this is
going to be, but it is a problem we need to be aware of and ready to handle.

This is standard for a lot of shared hosting providers. I don't know about ISPs as I've never used mine for anything but bandwidth. ;)

Many shared hosting packages give you one unique database tied to your login name. Some will give you one for each domain you host. In any case, there's little chance we'll have significant problems arise from two nodes being on the same shared hosting provider or ISP.

There's also a chance we will still set up a hosting service to provide turnkey service. It would just have to be a regular business venture and non-partisan in terms of what it offers.


Howard Dean for President in 2004

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