> I don't think this will scale.  If the presence information is distributed
> via RSS, then the nodes will have to poll each other very frequently to keep
> it up to date.  If you're the PA node, that means you have to poll every
> city  in the entire state of Pennsylvania every minute, or every couple of
> minutes.  The PA node would spend all its time polling and never have
> bandwidth left to do anything else.

Well.... The in the presence system i proposed, the nodes would put all of 
their logged in users in a XML doc.  Then the state aggregators would poll the 
city nodes (every 10 or 5 minutes would be ok imo).  And then the top node 
would poll all the state nodes.  I don't really see to much of a problem with 
this system.  Heck - imagine what technorati is doing.

say if we had on average 10 nodes per state + 75 state / super nodes.  That 
would be 120 polls on average an hour for a state (super node), 900 polls an 
hour by the a central presence aggregator for a total of about 10K polls an 
hour for the entire network - doesn't seem to unreasonable to me.

Besides, the news / calandar / media polling metrics will be much the same, if 
not larger when its all said and done.


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