On 10/02/2015 11:35 AM, FRIGN wrote:
On Fri, 2 Oct 2015 11:16:24 -0400
Greg Reagle <greg.rea...@umbc.edu> wrote:

But I don't want it initialized every time the for loop is entered.
That's why I made it static.  It needs to preserve its value between calls.

Ah yeah, of course. Sorry, I overlooked that.

No problem.

Let's focus one one single thing first, or you end up rewriting all your
patches anyway.
We first need to get the length-handling properly first.

If you're referring to supporting variable length multi-btye values, I have given up on writing that functionality. I will leave that to more talented C programmers than myself.

Concatenating multiple file arguments properly is correcting a defect in the program, a bug fix on existing, already committed functionality. That seems like high priority to me. Also, I don't plan on any more patches to od, so it is the last thing I am focusing on in od for a while.

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