Hello Jérémy,

Thank you for you patches.

> Those 2 patches allows to have dmenu displayed in a pop-up window in the
> middle of the screen. Personally I like the way it looks and I think
> that this option (-fw) could be available for everyone.

I'll comment both here as these are general remasks.

Regarding the first one, isn't that already the current behaviour?

$ printf '%s\n' foo bar bar|./dmenu -l 10

Only displays 3 lines, not 10.
Could you give a use-case?

That aside, try to follow the coding style of the rest of the code,
here don't put underscored variables like item_count, you can just use
nitem for example, or something shorter.

Regarding the second one, I think you could put it on the wiki.

But again, try to follow the style, -option is the worst of both
dash-options worlds, use -o options only, that should be enough.
And if your tool really have more options than you can count in the
ascii set, either remove some, or at worse use --option, but not

> This is my first contribution to this project, please let me know if
> everything is ok with my patches.

Thanks again, keep on working and improving!

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