Very cool gizmo. I've got gnuradio installed and gqrx running and
playing with that (fun to listen to ATC traffic around the Bay Area).
I tried to install gr-bluetooth with pybombs but that blew up on the
lack of a libtbb and in hunting that down it seems that really
gr-bluetooh is more about the Ubertooth than the HackRF, I'm wondering
if that is a structural problem or what? Can I use the HackRF at
Bluetooh/Zigbee frequencies? (they are all 2.4Ghz range) Does the
Ubertooth do more? less? about the same?

My target is that I'm developing beacon software that will be using
both BTLE and Zigbee. For a variety of reasons I'm using a soft radio
and would like to be able to validate its signals beyond simply having
at least one other non-soft radio receive the signal.

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