The arm-none-eabi compiler in the packages repo is an abomination :-)
get the one from launchpad, be sure to apt-get add gcc-multilib and
put the compiler in your path, done! Bonus because it is maintained by
ARM and comes with both newlib and newlib-nano specs for really small
code size.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Jiao Xianjun <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planing to open my firmware in several steps. Here is the first step.
> (See detailed introduction here: )
> When modifying firmware of HACKRF, debugging method is important. Actually
> you may add 1602LCD module and UART to hackrf board without changing
> anything of the board itself. Here are introduction and demo.
> 1. Hardware connection
> You should have 1602 LCD module and/or USB-UART dongle in your hand. The two
> things are very popular, you may google their information easily.
> 1602LCD HACKRF pin connection:
>   HACKRF P20 20 -- 1602LCD pin11
>   HACKRF P20 18 -- 1602LCD pin12
>   HACKRF P20 16 -- 1602LCD pin13
>   HACKRF P20 14 -- 1602LCD pin14
>   HACKRF P20 11 -- 1602LCD pin6
>   HACKRF P20  9 -- 1602LCD pin5
>   HACKRF P20  7 -- 1602LCD pin4
>   HACKRF    VCC -- 1602LCD pin2 pin15
>   HACKRF    GND -- 1602LCD pin1 pin3 pin16
> UART HACKRF pin connection:
>   HACKRF P25 1 GND        -- GND of computer or USB-uart dongle
>   HACKRF P25 4 UART0 RXD  -- TXD of computer or USB-uart dongle
>   HACKRF P25 5 UART0 TXD  -- RXD of computer or USB-uart dongle
> For HACKRF P20 and P25 location and definition, you can refer to
> hackrf-one-assembly.pdf and hackrf-one-schematic.pdf in original HACKRF
> github repo.
> Photo of my 1602 LCD module connection
> Photo of my USB-UART dongle connection
> 2. Code example and demo
> After some struggling in dark, I finally can present you quite simple code
> to output information via UART or 1602 LCD screen.
> All you need are two files: CMakeLists.txt and hackrf_uart_1602lcd.c
> Put them in a new created directory hackrf_uart_1602lcd in firmware
> directory of original hackrf github repo, and build the hackrf_uart_1602lcd
> project (See part 3 for build method).
> I already put a workable code example here: hackrf-UART-1602LCD
> A firmware hackrf_uart_1602lcd.dfu is also put into
> firmware/hackrf_uart_1602lcd/build/ of above repo in case someone want to
> try it in RAM via DFU mode without building firmware.
> Here is a demo photo of the firmware running
> 3. Build firmware of above code by yourself
> Basically you can follow instructions in README of firmware directory in
> original HACKRF github repo to build firmware. For example:
>   cd firmware/hackrf_uart_1602lcd
>   mkdir build
>   cd build
>   cmake .. -DRUN_FROM=RAM
>   make
>   dfu-util --device 1fc9:000c --alt 0 --download hackrf_uart_1602lcd.dfu
>   (before dfu-util, make sure set your board into DFU mode)
> But somehow I need to do following things to make sure build go smoothly. If
> you can't build firmware, maybe you can give it a shot.
> remove "-s 0" in the line of hackrf-common.cmake: (here is a
> hackrf-common.cmake which is already modified)
>   COMMAND dfu-suffix --vid=0x1fc9 --pid=0x000c --did=0x0 -s 0 -a _tmp.dfu
> add "COMMAND dfu-prefix -s 0 -a _tmp.dfu" after above line in
> hackrf-common.cmake.
> Maybe you need to install this: git:// (I
> already put one here dfu-util.tar.gz)
> Maybe you need this: sudo apt-get install python-yaml
> sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi -- This compiler NOT WORK!!!
> USE THIS compiler!!! -->
> !!! If you are using Ubuntu 14.04 and later, please be careful because there
> are packages with same name but produced by Debian and inherited by Ubuntu.
> Simply follow the above 3 steps, you may end up with gcc-arm-none-eabi from
> Ubuntu. So to install gcc-arm-none-eabi from ARM, steps are:
>   1). sudo apt-get remove binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi
>   2). sudo add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
>   3). sudo apt-get update
>   4). sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi=
>       or
>       sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi=
> If you encounter some command not found error, maybe you need:
>   cd /usr/lib/arm-none-eabi
>   sudo ln -s /usr/arm-none-eabi/bin bin
> On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Michael Ossmann <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 01:00:53AM +0000, Jason Cooper wrote:
>> >
>> > I should clarify:  I know about the various AIS SDR implementations
>> > out there.  I'm interested in running code on the hackrf with just a
>> > battery pack.  UI being my $mobile_device.
>> That's why I mentioned the PortaPack implementation.  It runs on the
>> ARM.
>> Mike
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