Have you considered a separate power amplifier ? While the HackRF can
transmit a few milliwatts of power if you're actually going to use it to
transmit something "for real" (rather than just use it for experiments) you
might consider getting a filter for the band of interest and a separate
power amplifier. That does two things for you, first it prevents the
transmissions of spurious signals (harmonics, overtones, etc) that arise
from the nature of how the signal is created. Second it lets you accurately
control the effective radiated power of your antenna and power amplifier
set up and stay within any transmission restrictions for the spectrum on
which you are transmitting. As a bonus it protects the output stage of your
HackRF from reflected transmission signals coming from mismatched
transmission lines.

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 1:35 AM, Matteo Terzi <matteo.terz...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> how can I set the maximum TX power of the HackRF?
> On gnu radio I'm using a "multiply const=6" and the parameter "IF Gain=47"
> (of the osmocom sink). Any other method or strategies??
> Thanks
> Matteo
> --
> Matteo TERZI
> Google Gmail Member
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