On Thu, Jun 19, 2003, Nadav Har'El wrote about "Re: [Haifux] stack size":
> You're doing something wrong. Huge data structures do not belong on the
> stack, which is by definition a small area used for temporary allocation
> of small things during function calls (automatic variables, parameters,
> and sometimes a little more).

By the way, if you think the 8MB default stack limit is tight, wait till
you try Linux kernel programming - the stack there is limited to 8K (if
I remember correctly). I once chased an elusive kernel bug, which turned
out to be caused by someone putting "large" structures (not huge, just
4K or so) as automatic variables in a function, causing kernel memory
after the stack to be destroyed.

Nadav Har'El                        |     Thursday, Jun 19 2003, 19 Sivan 5763
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