Hello list.

I just want to tip you off, that there's a great tool for converting LaTeX to HTML. It's called TeX4ht, and it's nothing like LaTeX2html and friends. This one WORKS, even if there are nested macros, as most of us by-hand LaTeX authors have. It also generates beautiful output, including equations and graphics.

The fantastic thing was that I managed to translate the 200-page manual of Perlilog to HTML, with no hassle at all (I have to admit that it took my about 30 minutes, but still, that's no time).

TeX4ht also claims to translate to Open Office and MS Word, but I haven't tried either.

The reason it works so smootly is that TeX4ht doesn't attempt to parse the input itself, but comes in somewhere in the DVI stage. So it's not TeX rewritten, like other tools I've seen, but an extension of the well-known, stable TeX.

For all of you who have documents published in LaTeX, PS and pdf, this is the time to publish them in HTML as well. Keep in mind that google parses these documents rather poorly. Most of us want to be found if someone looks for what we've written about.

I got my copy from http://at.rpmfind.net/opsys/linux/RPM/suse.com/i386/8.1/suse/i586/tex4ht-20020613-68.i586.html . It's intended for SuSe 8.1, but it worked nicely on my RH7.3 even though I forced installation, ignoring the failed dependency of the te_latex package (almost all files in the latter exist on my system).

I also recommend to download the source at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/TeX4ht/?action=/tex-archive/support/ or similar, because there are some documentation files in that package. Beware that the ZIP file opens flat in the current directory.

Having the package installed, simply go
htlatex.sh myfile.tex
and it will behave very much like good old LaTeX. If you want a split of sections into separate files, simply go
htlatex.sh myfile.tex "html,2"
for a file on each section, or change the 2 to 3 to get a file for each subsection.

The result is surprisingly good.

Hope you'll enjoy it,


Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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