
GNU/Linux Kinneret's home page was updated and now includes a choice of 
download mirrors for both the stable and unstable releases.

I trust that the next "rush" expected when GNU/Linux Kinneret will be 
presented in "Zombit" (8/Mar) will be less stressful.

On behalf of the GNU/Linux Kinneret project, I would like to thank Adir and 
Haifux for giving us a hand at a time of great need and for helping us 
promote the word of FLOSS in Israel. I also would like to thank Shachar and 
Hamakor for providing a mirror for the project and bearing with us during the 
great rush.

--- Adir Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you probably heard (or read here), Kinneret and
> other based-on-Knoppix
> distributions have made a lot of voice lately
> because of the article written
> in Maariv
> (http://www.maariv.co.il/channels/13/ART/652/944.html).
> As a result, people wanted to try the Knoppix and
> especially Kinneret at
> their homes. As a result, Hamakor's mirror server,
> which works in Actcom,
> suffered from many downloads and Actcom (being the
> host of the server)
> couldn't hold it. Since Hamakor's mirror was the
> only mirror which exists
> for Kinneret, Haifux decided to help them and be one
> of the mirrors as
> well.
> Haifux Linux club is glad to be a mirror for
> Kinneret Linux.

> Best regards,
>               Adir.

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