Hello all,

I would like to write a (Perl) script, which automatically scans my Mozilla mail files, and runs Spamassassin's learn utility accordingly. This relies, of course, on my habit not to throw away any mail I get, but rather store them all in subfolders, according to their category. So what I have is a great database for telling spam from ham.

So suppose that I'm ready to close Mozilla down every now and then, and run a script. There are two issue here: 1. Mozilla runs on a Windows 2000 computer, and Spamassassin on the Linux one, interfacing with Samba. If I open any mail archive file (for read) from the Linux machine, Mozilla "rebuilds the folder" next time I'll access that folder. That's a headache. 2. Aside from the .msf files, there are files in a mbox-alike format. I suppose that compacting the folders would make them pretty straightforward, but if I wouldn't like to do that -- does anyone know how to read these file in an intelligent manner? The problem is with deleted mails and such.


Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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