
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Haifux - Haifa Linux Club 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alon Altman
> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 7:54 PM
> To: Haifux
> Subject: [Haifux] Lecture Proposals
> Hi,
>    I volunteered to give a lecture today. Here are some 
> topics I have suggested in the past:
> 1. SPAM and spamassassin - detailed analisys of various 
> anti-spam methods,
>     spammers and the spam arms race. The lecture will revolve around
>     spamassassin and it's various rules, and will include many modern
>     approaches such as HashCash, Habeas, and Bayesian.
> 2. Web hacking for fun and profit - a lecture about accessing webpages
>     without a conventional browser for compatbility or 
> privledge escalation.
>     The lecture will focus on the web hacker's arsenal (curl, 
> wget, sniffers,
>     LWP, etc.) and will look into some "hypotheic" test cases 
> including
>     "Sherutei Briut Tzlalit", the known cellular company 
> "Purple", and the
>     bus company "Begged".
> 3. Proxying II - A continuation of http://www.haifux.org/lectures/85/
>     Can cover caching DNS server, FTP proxy, SOCKS generic proxy, etc.
> 4. Software Suspend II. May evolve to a "linux on laptop" 
> lecture.  Software
>     Suspend is a mechanism to allow you to retain your system 
> state when your
>     system power is off. It allows you to quickly power off 
> and on your
>     system. Especially useful for laptops.
> Please vote for one or more of these lectures you would like to hear.
>    Alon
> -- 
> This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> ICQ:1366540 GPG public key at http://8ln.org/pubkey.txt Key 
> fingerprint = A670 6C81 19D3 3773 3627  DE14 B44A 50A3 FE06 7F24
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>   -=[ Random Fortune ]=-
> Rome was not built in one day.
>               -- John Heywood
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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