On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, guy keren wrote:

> Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:08:47 +0200 (IST)
> From: guy keren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: haifux@haifux.org
> Subject: [Haifux] re-question: a talk about using FOSS-only in a
>     startup-chik
> i proposed this once as a hole-plague, and i propose this again now.
> the talk will cover how a very small startup-chik used only FOSS tools to
> develope its product (which is proprietary). i'll discuss the thought
> processes, briefly cover the tools used, how non-foss programmers took
> this, and where this process might be repeated.
> since the company was closed and acquired (in that order), i'll be able to
> talk about some drawbacks of this process, that i didn't forsee
> beforehand.
> this can either be a full-time talk (2 hours), or a one-hour talk (in case
> someone comes up with a complementary talk).

Since it has a clear industry appeal, how about using this lecture as a
"bate" when publishing at intel/other companies?

Orna Agmon http://ladypine.org/  http://haifux.org/~ladypine/
ICQ: 348759096

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