This Monday (27.11.06), at 18:30, Haifa Linux Club will gather to hear
guy keren (i.e, me) talk about

   LVM2 (Logical Volume Management - 2nd version)

LVM is our way to say "no" to getting stuck with fixed-size disks, and
to having to heavily rely on backups. In an enterprise there is no way
to live without this. In our home linux machine, it can have its uses
too. In this lecture, we will show some parts of LVM2, from the point of
view of the administrator (on your PC - that's you) - as well as how
some of this is implemented. Our focus will be on LVM (Logical Volume
Management) and its features. LVM2 is part of the linux 2.6 kernel.

It is advised that listeners know about disks and partitions, how to
format them and how to
mount them.

We meet in Taub building, room 3. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!


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