Dear Haifux guys


As you may remember, I am working with a youth club in Haifa.  So far we got
budget and today we made the first progress: we ordered 5 computers (AMD2,
3800X2, 1GB DRAM, 160GB hard disk). All are going to have Edubuntu server
installed on it. One is going to be a server with two NICs, and switch
behind to support 5 thin clients. I ramped up a demo at home and it's
working nicely, but I am not sure I can handle un-expected issues.


If this mode will work, we will make all 5 computers as servers and add
thin-clients made from older PCs.


Here is where I need help:

-          We will get the computers next week, and I may need help in case
of installation problems, especially with networking. I also need in help in
establishing remote control support and maintenance. Let me know if you can
come and help.

-          Teachers: I have budget to have computers lessons I am open to
any ideas: Linux usage, basic programming, anything that will suite kids in
ages of 14-18. We can also offer classes for younger ages, if you have any
idea or ability. Another way I which you may help: if you can't teach, but
you have material for lessons - this may help too.


If any of you can spend some time next week, or can teach in July/Aug, or
know of someone else who can teach - please contact me.





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