On Monday, November 22nd (TOMORROW) at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear Boaz Goldstein talk about

        The Cairo Graphics Compositing Library


The Cairo graphics library has become an integral part of open source graphics, being the bases for quality graphics in various projects, such as Gnome and Firefox. This lecture will cover it's abilities, future direction and give a brief intro to using it.


Note the open slot on December 6th. It's on Chanuka, which is a great opportunity to give a lecture about computer miracles!


We meet in Taub (CS Faculty) building, room 6. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!


Future Haifux events include:

20/12/10   Bash by Boaz Goldstein


We are always interested in hearing your talks and ideas. If you wish to give a talk, hold a discussion, or just plan some event haifux might be interested in, please contact us at webmas...@haifux.org

Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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