
There is a minor (I guess spell-checker induced, but really funny IMO) typo in
your abstract.


Or maybe I got it wrong ;-)



Quoting Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda <ladyp...@gmail.com>:

> On Monday, February 28th (TODAY) at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear Vadim
> Eisenberg talk about
>      UniversAAL - Open Source platform for Ambient Assisted Living and Smart
> Home Environment <http://haifux.org/lectures/251>
> Abstract
> I will present two presentations about an EU FP7 IP project I work on,
> UniversAAL - http://universaal.org/. The goal of the project is to develop
> an open source platform for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). Ambient Assisted
> Living is a kind of Smart Home environment for elderly people - for example,
> a house equipped with different sensors and in which different devices,
> sensors and home appliances are networked together and managed by software
> applications. In addition, the platform could be used for monitoring of
> chronic deceases, providing healthcare services at home, supporting people
> with disabilities. I will present the project and will talk about
> technologies involved in the project: OSGi, Middleware, (Semantic) SOA,
> Security, Android, Living Labs.
> About me: I work in IBM, IT for Healthcare & Life Sciences group, and do my
> M.Sc. studies at the Technion, Computer Science Department. My research
> interests are Semantic Web, Software Engineering and Programming Languages.
> I made my first Open Source contribution two months ago -
> http://d2rqupdate.cs.technion.ac.il/, Apache 2.0 license (on my personal
> time, it is not related to IBM). I developed D2RQ/Update and D2R
> Server/Update prototype extensions to a popular RDF-to-RDB mapping platform
> - D2RQ http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/d2rq/ (it is related to
> Semantic Web technologies).
> ================================
> We meet in Taub (CS Faculty) building, room 6. For instructions see:
> http://www.haifux.org/where.html
> Attendance is free, and you are all invited!
>  ================================
> Future Haifux talks include:
> 14/3/2011  The story of Alice and Bob - the I/O requests by guy keren
> (part i)
> 28/3/2011  The story of Alice and Bob - the I/O requests by guy keren (part
> ii)
> ============================================================
> We are always interested in hearing your talks and ideas. If you wish to
> give a talk, hold a discussion, or just plan some event haifux might be
> interested in, please contact us at webmas...@haifux.org
>  --
> Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda.
> http://ladypine.org

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