i have posted my question here: 

but in any case, it seems my sass import partials are having problems
with ie7.

i have this in my main.sass:

@import compass/reset
@import blueprint/grid
@import blueprint/fancy-type
@import compass/utilities/general/clearfix
@import compass/css3
@import compass/reset/utilities
@import compass/utilities/sprites

$main-color: #47a3ff

    :family Arial, sans-serif
    :size 14px
  :width 100%
  :background #f6f6f6

    background: #131313 url(/images/farora/bg1.jpg) no-repeat top

  margin: 0 auto
  :overflow-x hidden

  :list-style-type none

  :color #fff
    :decoration none

    :color #999

    size: 20px
    weight: bold
    bottom: 10px

  :display block
    :size .9em
  :padding 5px
  :color #000
  :background #fff
  :border 0
  :height 30px
  :width 194px
    :top 5px

  :width 1024px
  :margin 0 auto

@import calendrical
@import footer
@import header
@import index
@import lists
@import nav
@import review
@import results
@import star_rating

okay, so all those imports are just sass partials, so no css files are
generated for them( i already know of ie7's css iport limit of 32
files). anyway, all styles staring from results will not show up in
IE7. If i switch the import of results to nav, results styles will
show up but not navs. I tried putting all the imports above body, just
after $main-color's declaration, and now body's styles will not show
up in IE7.

WHat is the deal here?!?!

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