Well, you can use templates for that, which are supported by gems like
staticmatic, sinatra, rails etc. I suggest
staticmatic<http://staticmatic.rubyforge.org/>if you want to make
static pages (and I assume you do), it's really awesome.
You can define a single template file which would look something like this:

  <!-- something here -->

  = yield

  <!-- something else here -->

And you would have other sites which are included instead of that =
yieldpart. You'll figure it out :)

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 4:46 AM, andoriyu <andor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> It there any way to include haml in haml? For example, I have 5 views,
> so all of them have same header and footer, and I don't want to change
> that part in every view, i just want to change it once in one place.
> --
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