I'm writing a mixin for a grid for an iPad app, where the orientation of the 
iPad determines the property values. 
To avoid unnecessary repetition I'd like to use dynamic variable names.

Lets say I have two variables: 

$portrait_width: 600px;
$landscape_width: 900px;

And then the mixin:

@mixin grid($orientation) {
    .#{$orientation} {
        width:  #{'$' + (#{$orientation}_width)};


@include grid(portrait);
@include grid(landscape);

This simply outputs the variable name and not the value:

.portrait {
  width: $portrait_width;

.landscape {
  width: $landscape_width;

I've tried all the combinations I can think of in the mixin, but can't get 
this to work. 
Is this possible at all?

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