*Background info:*
I am working my way through Crafting 
Rails<http://pragprog.com/titles/jvrails/crafting-rails-applications> and 
in Chapter 4 I made a handler for "merb" templates—markdown with erb 
interspersed. This can be compiled into text or html, so it's perfect for 
mail. My "new_submission" Notification email has one template in 
app/views/notifications/new_submission.merb. Then in 
app/mailers/notifications.rb, all you need to do is

    mail(:to => Person.editor.email) do |format|

And the single .merb template gets compiled into both the text and html part 
of a multipart email. Woohoo! You can read more about this in an excerpt 
from Crafting Rails <http://media.pragprog.com/titles/jvrails/emails.pdf>, 
and you can browse around my specific implementation of 

*Somewhere, somehow, something went wrong*
I updated my Gemfile about a week ago, and thought I got everything working 
because my pages were loading and Compass and Sass were no longer grumbling 
at me. For some horrible reason I didn't run any of my tests. But it turns 
out I've been getting this error since then whenever I call an action (such 
as "packlet.destroy") that tries to send this new_submission email:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `children' for nil:NilClass):
  app/mailers/notifications.rb:25:in `block in new_submission'
  app/mailers/notifications.rb:23:in `new_submission'
  app/models/submission.rb:62:in `has_been'
  app/models/packlet.rb:20:in `destroy'
  app/controllers/packlets_controller.rb:27:in `destroy'

Line 26 of app/mailers/notifications is the "format.html" line, shown above.

I have narrowed this down to a problem with haml/sass 3.1 by doing this 
bundle update more granularly. I updated Rails, ran my tests, no problems. I 
updated haml, ran my tests, and this pops out in four places.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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