I wanted to extend Haml's tag processing, and was only able to achieve
it through monkeypatching.  Would anyone be interested in hooks into
Haml's rendering?  I'd really like a callback like
before_render_tag(env, node) that allows me to inspect the node and
environment (like what page and line number is rendering) and alter
the tag/id/class before it is rendered/compiled.  There's surely other
useful processing callbacks that might spark some wild creativity and
external extensions with Haml's parser/compiler.

Also, I've noticed that the internal data structure of an html Node is
fairly <i>complex</i>.  For instance, the attributes_hash contains
an :old or a :new key depending on the syntax {} or ().  Maybe the
parser can create simpler abstracted nodes with all html tag
attributes in one hash keyed by attribute name.  Would also be simpler
if id and class were included in the same attribute hash.


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