On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:31:39 +0000
Jacqui Caren <jacqui.ca...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> I am one of the hold-outs. Our TV died over a year ago and we decided
> not to renew the licence. TV licencing send automated nastygrams
> threating imminent court action but some nice web sites break these
> letters down and explain your rights. We had the "Investigation
> officer" around with his 'almost police' uniform :-) but I think two
> snarling GSDs behind a child gate put paid to any the idea of forcing
> entry.

Same here - I don't have a TV since I moved house about 18 months ago.
I have no intention of getting a TV, either.

I regularly get threatening letters from the TV Licensing people, which
get immediately binned :)

I'm yet to have a visit from the "enforcement division" - which is a
shame because I know exactly what I'm going to say to them if they ever
turn up ;)

> IMHO you should *NOT* stump up a fee just because some private company
> threatens you for no good reason.Hell 139.50 will buy a nice new
> linux PC!

No, I agree - not something I'd do :)

However, it would mean that the OP wouldn't need to worry about what he
was watching on iPlayer. I also suspect that depending on how you
phrase "I watch iPlayer" to an enforcement officer could open you up to
prosecution. Some people would consider £139.50 cheap for a quiet
life (but not me) ;)


Jon Fautley RHCE, RHCDS, RHCX, RHCA  email: jfaut...@redhat.com
Senior Consultant                    cell :     +44 7841 558683
Global Professional Services
Red Hat UK, 200 Fowler Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7JP

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